10 things I'm looking forward to:
1. Saturday night.
2. Our Applebee's Fundraiser for Jakie's travel ball team on Saturday.
3. Michael's baseball game.
4. Fall. Because I'm so over summer.
5. Spray painting. Anything + everything.
6. Having a clean house.
7. Sleeping in Sunday morning till 7 if I'm lucky.
8. Our 9th wedding anniversary on the 28th...But really looking forward to a night out with the hubby the following weekend. Not sure what we're doing. Where we'll go. Or, who will watch the boys. Oh wait. My Mom will gladly take them. Over night even. What was I thinking?
9. Spending time with my Mom this weekend.
10. Going to bed tonight. Yes. I'm already looking forward to going to bed. Don't judge me.
10 things I did yesterday:
1. Went to Starbucks. Jared is all about his "coffee" aka Vanilla Milk with Whipped Cream and Ice.
2. Met my Mom at McDonald's for a quick bite before she went to work. Wish we had more time to visit :(
Jared went crazy when he spotted Ma's car pull into the parking lot. "Mommy! There's Ma! There's Ma! See her?!"
3. Went grocery shopping. A sweet middle aged couple fell in love with Jared in 1.2 seconds while we were in the store. So much to where they honked, waved and yelled, "Have a nice day Little Man!!" as they were leaving the parking lot... He made their day. He kinda does that for me too :)
4. Picked up Jakie from school and when he climbed in the truck he spotted a McDonald's Happy Meal ..."Awwwwwwwwww, Jared got McDonald's?!?!" I said, "He sure did. But Ma got that one for YOU too!" He was, shall we say,
elated. And quickly yelled, "Yesssssss!!! Thank you Ma!" He yelled it so loud I'll bet she heard him all the way in Ontario. Ma is all about spoiling. If there's one thing she is, it's a great Grandmother. With or without the money she spends. But there's no way she would've left without getting something for Jacob too, even though he wasn't there. And I was sent home with $100 for Michael to buy clothes and a little something extra for the hubby and I :)
5. Made 4 lunches. Even though there's only 2 boys that go to school and 1 man that goes to work in this house. Why, you ask? Because Master Jared insists on it. That's why. Every morning before we walk out the door to take Jakie to school, he goes to the refrigerator and grabs his lunch bag. Even if we're coming right back home. It makes him feel special. It's what he likes. It's what he wants. And in this house, and pretty much every house he visits, he gets what he wants. (most of the time)
6. Had pizza for dinner because I just didn't have the time or energy to cook before practice.
7. Counted fundraiser money and wished it was all mine.
8. Went to Jakie's practice and had frozen toes by the time we left.
9. I
didn't do the dishes today...I hated myself for that when I walked in the kitchen.
10. Kissed the boys about 10x each while they were sleeping because some nights, I just can't get enough of those cheeks.
10 things I wish I could do:
1. Run without having to worry about how much pain I'll be in within the next few hours.
2. Buy new furniture.
3. Sing.
4. Buy a house with a pool. And grass. Lots of grass. I miss grass.
5. Move out of state.
6. Hire a laundry service that would not only wash my laundry, but fold and put it away. Life would be so much easier.
7. Go to sleep and not wake up until my alarm goes off. I constantly wonder what it would feel like to sleep a full night all the way through. What
I would feel like.
8. Eat *sweets* everyday and have no negative effect on my body. Ha! Fat chance, Thunder Thighs.
9. Send my boys to private school.
10. Buy a new car. In cash. Because car payments stink.