Yay! I absolutely LOVE it! Warmer temperatures, sunny skies, & longer days.
So- I thought I'd start the new season out with a new fabric wreath...idea courtesy of Little Birdie Secrets (they did a heart shaped wreath for Valentine's Day). And boy, was it SUPER simple!
BUT, not so "super simple" for me. Thanks to this little guy...

This precious {stubborn} baby would be Jared. And apparently, he was HIGHLY offended that I was focusing my attention on something other than him. So, what did he do? Climbed up in my lap, {whether I wanted him there or not} and made sure I knew he was there!
He fought it as long as he possibly could {all of 15 minutes} before finally surrendering to his heavy eyes. Needless to say, I didn't finish the wreath that night. I just soaked up the moment. Running my fingers through his curly hair & wondering how in the world he got so BIG so FAST.
I did however, finish the wreath the next day...with Jared's help of course :)
So you found out how to do it, huh? Did you happen to see it on my blog too? It's beautiful!