Spring 09' was Jacob's very first year playing baseball. Talk about FUN! For us and him. Jacob had an awesome season. Parents and Coaches were amazed this was his first year playing. I'm sure you can guess that Daddy takes the credit for that. He says, "It's in his blood". I couldn't agree more. I think Jacob's love, dedication, & drive for baseball at the very young age of 5 & 6 is absolutely astounding.
Now the good stuff...
First year playing and he got picked for the All-Star team. Talk about a PROUD day for us. But, more so for Jason. Tears in his eyes and all. I don't think anything could've taken the bounce out of his step that day. Jacob on the other hand had no clue what any of it meant! All he knew is that he could still play baseball, and that was good enough for him.
We started out the All-Star Season with a tournament in Indio on June 26th-28th. And frankly, we {the other parents and myself} that it would all end there. BUT, it didn't! We advanced to the next round by winning 2 games. Although we did lose the Championship Game of that tournament by 1 point! Talk about heart breaking! So we all headed home with bittersweet thoughts.

Next stop, Moreno Valley July 9th. Long story short, we lost both games, therefore eliminating us. Just that quick, as quickly as it came, All-Stars was over. Sad, very sad. Lots of tears shed by coaches, parents, & kids.

All I know is I'm proud of my little guy. And I'm certainly proud of Jason. He put his all into coaching. But more importantly I'm proud of him for the Dad that he is.
Jared and I will always be there, as their #1 fans!
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