
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ten on tuesday

  1. Jared woke up at five this morning very upset because he was cold.
  2. Jason later informed me that he also woke up at 4:45 while he was having his morning quiet time.  Guess his quiet time wasn't so quiet.  He called Jared to him and sang him back to sleep.  Sweet, patient Daddy.
  3. Jacob had his usual morning panic attack because he thought he was going to be late to school even though I told him repeatedly we had plenty of time.  That boy is such a worrier.
  4. Roxy got out of the yard today and had no intentions on coming back anytime soon.  I was infuriated.  When I say infuriated.  I mean infuriated!
  5. I took a nap today while Jared napped instead of doing the dishes.
  6. I just remembered I have a blanket in the washer that I forgot to put in the dryer.  Gah!
  7. It was pretty frigid today.  A crisp fifty nine degrees.  That's chilly for us Southern Californians.  I loved it.  I wasn't too happy when I heard on the news that it would be back in the nineties over the weekend.  Boo.
  8. We froze at practice tonight. 
  9. Jared cried tonight from eight to eight thirty five.  I have no idea why.  He had no reasoning.  So, I filled his request of a backrub for ten minutes and now he's out.  Hopefully for the night.
  10. Michael was just making fun of me for watching ELF this weekend with the boys because, "It's not Christmas, Auntie." But tonight he's watching Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  You better believe I gave him a hard time :)  I can't wait for Christmas! 

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