
Friday, October 29, 2010

the friday high five

1.  Jacob got to wear his costume to school today.  That means, Jared got to wear his costume too.  That means, I had two insanely giddy boys bouncing around all morning :)

    The Flash & Batman
2.  Jared willingly left Jacob's school when the Costume Parade was over.  Then, he willingly took off his costume to get in his car seat because, "I all thweddy Mommy, touch my chubs, them's wet."  Uh, no thanks Bud.
3.  We had lunch on Costco.  Samples are great.

4.  Jared gave out about 345,564 high fives during Jakie's class party.  He was the center of attention.  As usual.  But this time, Jakie got to show him off to his friends.  He was a proud big brother today.  I was a proud Mommy.  As I am everyday.

5.  Beautiful sunset on our way to Chipotle for dinner.   


Monday, October 25, 2010

this boy...

is three years old.  His name is Jared.  His middle name should have been Handful, because that's what he is.  He makes me laugh.  Everyday.  Some days he makes me want to cry.  On special days he'll make me do both. 

Today was a "special day".

The laughing part:

He was SO happy today when we left to pick up Jacob because the sun started to peek out from behind the clouds.  This boy, LOVES the sun.  "Mommy!!  The thun ith awake!  Him awake!  He not ni-night anymore!!!  Him AWAAAAAAKE!  I lubb the thun Mommy.  Him tho nithe."
In Jared language:
thun = sun
ith = is
lubb = love
tho = so
nithe = nice

The crying part:

We've been having some issues with someone hitting his big brother.  All of the time.  Most of the time because he isn't getting his way.  So, today he was sent to the Naughty Spot.  Three times.  All within a half hour.  The last time he had to go he had a total meltdown.  Screaming, kicking, hitting the wall, more screaming.  It went a little something like this:

"MOMMY!  MOMMY!!  TALK AH ME!!  I TALKING TO YOUUUUUU!  MOMMMMMMMYYYYY!!!!!  AHHHHHHH!  MOMMY!  TALK AH MEEEE!!!  I NEED HUG!  I READY TO BE HAPPY NOW!!!!  MOMMY!!  I HAPPY NOOOOWWWW!!"  Guess what Mommy did.  Sat myself down on the couch and acted like I didn't hear a thing.  Like there was nothing at all going on.  Crying?  Who's crying?  I don't hear any crying.  Ha!  Yea right!  I wanted to cry right along with him.  But, he needed it.  And because of his craziness, he ended up sitting in the Naughty Spot for about ten minutes.  Instead of his usual three.  Way to go, Jared.  Thank goodness Jason wasn't home.  He can't do the whole ignoring thing. 

This boy is cute, funny, determined, stubborn, occasionally naughty, and a handful.  But, an absolute joy to have around.  This boy is loved.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

S + S


  • a bit of my morning was spent watching the Food Network and sipping my cup of coffee.  I love Saturdays.
  • Everyone pitched in for some Saturday-morning-cleaning.  I like that!
  • The boys asked about 973,564 times what time Ma was going to be here :)
  • After Ma got here we headed to Chipotle.  Our favorite place to eat.  It was Ma + Mio's first time.  They enjoyed it. 



  • We slept in.  All of us.  Till 7:30ish.  Nice.
  • The Broncos lost.  Like, really lost.  So glad Jason isn't so serious about that stuff anymore.  Before we had Jacob he was really bad about that kind of thing.  He would be in a bad mood the whole rest of the day when his beloved Broncos would lose a game.  Good work Babe, I don't miss that part of you :)
  • Jacob & Jared baked Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting.  {with my assistance of course} Oh my calories goodness, they were heavenly! 

  • I packed these up for Pa to take to share with his friends at work.  Because if I didn't, that's all I would've eaten tomorrow.  Who needs food when you have cupcakes?  Not me :)

  • Michael only ate two of them.  Since "he doesn't like pumpkin".  Hmmm, I don't usually eat two of anything that I don't like.

  • Mikey called today.  We made plans to spend Thanksgiving together at his father in law's house.  Can't wait to see The Luna's!
  • I found Lady eating her food laying down today.  Lazy little stinker. 

Speaking of Lady:
Her hole is completely closed and is now a scab.  I have a feeling that even once she's healed up she's still going to make me put "clothes" on her.  We'll have to do away with the old t-shirt look and glam her up a bit though :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

the friday high five

1.  Jason, Jared, and I went out to breakfast after we dropped Jakie off at school.  A kind Police Officer was seated near us and Jared was mesmerized by him.  He was kind enough to get up from his seat and give Jared a sticker.  I so very much love kind people :)


2.  We went to Target after breakfast.  Jared's favorite. 

3.  We picked Michael up from school and he was in a good mood.  AGAIN.  High five to that, for sure!
4.  Jason went to watch the high school football game with Michael.  He texted me and said he hadn't seen much of Michael while they were there.  Guess he turned into a social butterfly.
5.  Came across this quote today:  "Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother. -Lin Yutang  Amen to that.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's all GOOD

  • Jared woke up and the first thing he wanted to do was put his Batman costume on.  Putting that thing on him is like squeezing a sausage into it's casing.  It's a chore.  He's a chunker.  I love it ♥
  • I am officially DONE with all of the fraud junk with the bank.  Haleluyer!  *happy dance*
  • I had an insanely productive day around the house.  Love that. 
  • It rained for most of the day. 
  • Jason came home today!!  The boys talked on and on about how excited they were that he was coming home.  Jared held his ladle to his ear pretending it was a phone, yelling, "Daddy?!  You alive!!  You really alive!  Mommy!!!!  Him ALIVE!!  Him really alive!" That boy cracks me up. 
  • Michael put me through a crazy ab workout again tonight.  If I would stay consistent with doing it everyday they would get easier.  Something to ponder.
  • There's nothing better than having a happy teenager in the house.  Teenagers are moody.  Boy or girl.  I love the days he's super happy :)

  • Jakie cleaned his room before he went to bed.  I love that that boy knows how to clean.  Even though he has his days where he pretends he doesn't.
  • The boys have been working on their Christmas lists per request of Grandma (Nagle).  Jared wants anything and everything he sees.  Jakie is much more particular and knows exactly what he wants.
A few of Jakie's items:
  • iPod
  • Skinny Jeans
  • Simon Birch DVD
  • Nerf Gun
A few of Jared's items:
  • Imaginext toys
  • Books
  • Go Fishin'
  • Anything that involves Batman, Spiderman, Iron Man.

I'm looking around the Family Room and it's back to looking like it did this morning before I cleaned.  Off to bed to do it all over again tomorrow :)


The boys got a package in the mail from Costumes Express courtesy of Ma!  They were so excited! 

How cute are they?!

Batman and The Flash

My super heroes ran around the house pretending to save the world right up until it was time for bed.  If Jared had it his way he would've slept in it.  But, things went Mommy's way for a change.  And, without a fight :) They can't wait to show Daddy!!

Something to notice:
See that ladle in photo #1 next to Jared?  He has been all about that ladle for 3 days.  It goes everywhere with him.  When I say everywhere I mean everywhere!  He's had every plastic, wood, metal spoon and spatula that I own out this week but that particular one never leaves his side.  He even sleeps with it!  Silly boy.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10 on Tuesday.

  1. Jakie didn't wear a jacket to school because he's Mr. "I'm Just Going To Take It Off As Soon As I Get In Class Anyway Mommy And I'm Not Going To Put It Back On".  And of course, it rained.  Oh wait, it POURED!  When I picked him up he said, "Man Mommy, I should've wore my jacket!" At least he had an undershirt and long sleeves on. 
  2. Jared and I had breakfast with my very good friend Chrissy.  Love her.  She's been such a good friend to me.  --As I was buckling Jared in his car seat he told me, "Him ith tho cooool Mommy.  Him cute too!" I almost peed my pants from laughing so hard.
  3. I bought an umbrella at Target because I didn't own one.  Now I do :)   
  4. Jared and I picked up Jakie from school right in the middle of a downpour!  Good thing I bought that umbrella, right?  Didn't matter, we were all SOAKED by the time we got in the truck.  Muddy and wet.  That's my favorite.  Not.
  5. Michael got a ride home after baseball practice that ended up turning into a workout in the Weight Lifting Room.  Yes!  No more going out in the rain.  
  6. The rain is my favorite.  As long as I'm indoors.
  7. Dad came home from work today looking like roadkill.  He drove 1,500+ miles from Saturday afternoon through today.  Eeek.  Back at it at 4:30a.  
  8. I cooked dinner twice.  Once for us, then again for Dad.  I didn't mind.
  9. I made lunches twice.  Once for us, then again for Dad.  Again, I didn't mind. 
  10. Jared broke all of the bedtime rules tonight because he just had to go to Pa's house to say "hi" to him.  He hadn't seen him since Friday.  That's a long time for those two to be apart ♥

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bad Week Gone Good

  • Lady has an owie.  A major owie.  I have no idea what happened.  She has a HOLE in her that goes straight to her meat, insides, what ever you want to call it.  All I know is it's a hole that goes all the way through her flesh It was about the size of a quarter and it's GROSS.  I'll spare you the pictures.  Thank goodness Pa was home.  This is his kind of thing.  He loves Lady.  And whether he'd admit it or not.  He'd do anything for her :) even the gross stuff. 
  • This means Lady has gotten extra attention the last three days.  She's enjoying that part of things.  She's healing great, by the way.

  • I was thrilled that Jason got home early Friday afternoon.  We missed him.  Jared was so excited when he pulled in the driveway.  I may have been a little giddy too :)
  • Yesterday, Ma and Mio came for a visit.  We went to Wal-Mart Supercenter and Ma spent way too much money on stuff for the Adams Family.  There's never any stopping her.  Oy.
  • We came back home, had pizza for dinner and watched How to Train Your Dragon.  The boys loved it.  So did Ma and Mio.  I only saw bits and pieces of it.  But, what I saw was cute.  The boys also loved this:

Back rubs from Ma.

Jakie didn't get to sit there long.  Jared's kinda stingy with his Ma :)

So Jakie was quick to head over to Mio when he offered a hand massage.

Can't wait to see Ma again next weekend.

Today was spent:
  • Enjoying the chilly weather ♥
  • Watching football, of course.  And laughing at Grandpa Darrell because he gets a little, shall we say, excited, while watching the Broncos play.  I can only imagine what his blood pressure spikes to.  Yikes.
  • Doing laundry and a little cleaning.
  • Packing Jason's suitcase.
  • Eating pizza and ice cream.
  • A fifteen minute nap for me and an hour and a half nap for Jared.
  • Dealing with Jared's meltdown when Jason said he had to leave for San Diego.  Thankfully it didn't last long and he was able to send Daddy off with smiles and high fives.

    Nice look Jakie.  Diggin' the shirt Lady.
  • Watching How to Train Your Dragon with all the boys.
  • Baths.
  • Making lunches, times three.
  • Paying bills and thinking about the jerks who went shopping on our dime.  So not looking forward to dealing with that this week.  So far, we've only had one transaction come out of our account.  The other's that were pending have fallen off.  Let's hope it stays that way.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10 on Tuesday

  1. Today is Tuesday.  Like yesterday was Monday, which I thought was Tuesday.  But today is the real Tuesday.
  2. Jared and I went to the bank after dropping off Jakie at school, then to Winco where my Visa Check Card was declined and then locked their registers.  I called the bank and my card was locked due to suspicion of fraud.  Perfect!  After a billion questions and verifying a gazillion transactions...It was confirmed.  Someone got my card number and went on an internet shopping spree last night.  Courtesy of the Adams Family.  So they thought.  My bank didn't let one single transaction go through.  Phew!  We left the grocery store with empty hands and Jared must have said, "Mommy, we forgot our food!  Go get it!" a hundred times while walking through the parking lot.
  3. We went on a trip back to the bank, ordered a new Visa Check Card and withdrew cash so we could head back to Winco to pay for our food.  All of this for $28.75 ...I hope you really needed that $40 you took from my wallet Jason :)
  4. Jared spent the entire afternoon/evening at Grandpa's house.  I should've taken a nap.  Instead, I did dishes and folded laundry.
  5. Sister picked up Jakie from school today :)
  6. The fire alarm went off at Jason's hotel today while he was in the elevator.  I know he was freaking out :) Luckily it was a false alarm.
  7. Jakie had practice today.  He rocked it.
  8. I got to actually watch Jakie the entire practice because Jared was with Grandpa.  What would I do without Pa's help this week?  Let's not think about that.
  9. Is it Friday yet?  I'm ready for my Honey to be back home :(
  10. Michael got his glasses today.  He hates the way he looks in them.  He wouldn't let me take a picture.  This is the best I could do.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Mean Monday.

  • Lady got to go for a morning ride to drop off Jakie at school, then to the Post Office.  I'm not sure who was more excited, her or the boys.

We ♥ our Lady girl.

  • I thought today was Tuesday all day and Michael made fun of me saying, "You really miss Uncle Jason don't you?"  My response was "Is it Friday yet?"  What a mean Monday for tricking me into believing it's Tuesday.
  • I had about 30 minutes of uninterrupted alone time this evening while the boys were playing at Grandpa's house and Michael was having dinner at a friends.  Just what I needed :)
  • Elf has been playing in this house for what seems like non-stop since Sunday morning and I don't mind it one bit :) Christmas is my favorite!
  • Jacob read to Jared while he was taking a bath and for a minute I thought Jared was going to fall asleep!  That thought didn't last long.

  • Jacob's friend brought his Fushigi Ball to school today.  Jakie has been asking for that thing since the day he saw the infomercial.  Really, Jacob?  He mentioned today that HE KNOWS he's on Santa's Nice List so he'll just ask him for it.  Well, isn't that just fantastic?
  • I have three lunches to make and a kitchen that needs to be cleaned before I go to bed.
  • My seester is coming over tomorrow after work.  Which means my Tuesday just got a whole lot easier :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I'll live. I guess.

Jason left this afternoon for San Diego.  He'll be gone until Friday evening.  Hope he learns something useful to him during this training since he'll be leaving again next week.  I wouldn't do well with a husband that had to travel for business constantly.  I miss him already.  But, I suppose I'll live.  I guess :) 

The boys weren't looking forward to him leaving.  Particularly Jared.  I can't count how many times I heard, "I wan-go Sanee Eggo TOOOOOO." 

Truthfully, I'm jealous.  I want to be the one who gets to leave for five days all by myself.  Stay in a posh hotel all by myself.  No car seats, no arguing, no biting, no whining, no fits.  Oh yea, I'm jealous alright.  BUT, if I actually did get to leave for five days.  I'd probably be miserable.  Wondering what I missed.  What they ate.  If their owie's were kissed.  The list could go on and on. 

The usual chat went on here I'm sure.  Be good.  Have a great week at school.  Help Mommy.  Be nice to Jared.  See you Friday.  I love you. 

About an hour and a half later I got a text with this in it:

I'm here!

Well.  Isn't that just groovy?  Rub it in Honey.  Yes, the view from your room is just beautiful.  Haha.  I kid :)

So, here's to me having a week on my own.  Baseball practices times 2.  Eye doctor appointments.  Homework.  And everything else that comes with it.  Piece of cake.  As long as Jared doesn't have a week like he did last week.  xxxfingers crossedxxx

An extra little tidbit:

Jacob learned how to write his name in cursive today.  He caught on quick and was so proud of himself :).  This is why I can't be by myself for five days.  Because I guarentee the next time he writes his name in cursive, he won't be nearly as excited as he was today.  Because I would've missed Jared climbing on my lap and kissing me on the cheek and telling me he loved me.  Because I would've missed Michael being extra sweet to Jared and asking him if he wanted to watch Bolt with him tonight.  I'm right where I need to be.  Right where I want to be.  Home with my boys.  Bless that husband of mine for working so hard so I can be here.  At home.

Friday, October 8, 2010

the dreaded flu shot

Today Jakie had a Doctor's Appointment for a follow up on his Asthma.  Things looked pretty much like this before SHE came in the room.  Jacob quietly drawing a picture of an alien in my notebook.  My notebook that has random funny/cute things that he says, my thoughts and hopes for him, little things he draws.  Basically just stuff.  (I keep one for Jared too).  ...All was quiet and happy before the doctor came in.  Jakie was drawing and Jared was playing with his monster truck and Bat-Ban (Batman).

Then SHE came in.  Suddenly Jared decided that he was ready to go and he wanted to make sure I knew it.  It went a little something like this:

Jared: Mommy, Mommy, Mommy??  MOMMY YOU TALK AH ME!!!  MOMMY?!

Me: Jared, STOP.  I'm talking to the doctor right now.  We'll leave in a few minutes OK?

Jared: Mommy I want my LUNCH.

Me: We didn't bring your lunch in Bebe.  It's in the truck.  We'll get it when we're done with the doctor.

Jared: NOW we go Mommy???

Me: Not yet.

Jared: NOWWW?

Me: No words...Just showing him my counting fingers thinking, I really hope he doesn't let me get to five because if I do I'm totally screwed.  What the heck will I do while the doctor is in here?!

Jared: *Silent by the time I put my third finger up*

Me: Doing a happy dance in my head.  Haleluyer!  Love that that actually works!

I'm still not sure how I managed to have a conversation with the doctor but, I did.  Jacob will stay on the steroid inhaler for another 3 months, then he'll go back for another check up and we'll discuss how we'll go about taking him off of it. 

All was fine at this point.  Then that word came out of her mouth...SHOT.  Great.  I see tears filling Jacob's eyes almost instantly. 

After she walked out things looked like this:

Poor boy.  I tried my very best to take his mind off of the dreaded Flu Shot that was on it's way and reminded him of how brave he was when he had his blood drawn and he didn't even cry.  Didn't work too well so we quickly moved on.  Back to the notebook we went.  I asked him what his alien's name was.  What he liked to do.  What he liked to eat...

This is what he wrote:

joe came from the moon.  he is silly and he eats eyeballs.  He likes to run.

After that was over we all shared a barrell of laughs when Jared sent ME to the Naughty Spot after he counted to five because I didn't do what ever it was that he wanted.  I obeyed and went to the corner of the room.  Boy did he get a kick out of that one!  Then after my time was up he called me over to him and I told him I was "ready to be happy" as he always screams out to me while he's sitting in the Naughty Spot at home.  He gave me a frown and said, "Now you tell Cake sorry."  I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Soon after that the nurse came in with the shot and it was over before he knew it.  After she walked out he laughed and said, "I did all that crying for nothing Mommy!  That was just a little poke!!"  Yes sweet boy.  That's what I have been trying to tell you for the last 10 minutes :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

quick one

This one will be short since I'm blogging from my phone...

Today was overall a pretty good day. Emilio (mom's husband) came over this evening for a visit after work. Of course bearing gifts. Two pairs of shoes each for the boys. They were on cloud nine! And I got a pair of jammies. Does he know me or what?! Jammies are my favorite.

A little funny to share...Jason caught Jared picking his nose today. He told him to go get a tissue and go to the bathroom. Jared came back telling Jason he couldnt find the "ti-shooo" I asked if he needed help. Jared looked back at Jason and said "Daddy, I go hide so I pick my nose." What?!?!?! Oh my goodness did we get a laugh out of that one. Who needs tissue when you can just hide in the corner and pick away with your bare hand? That boy cracks me up :)

(Photo: showing Mio what they're going to be for Halloween)
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ten on tuesday

  1. Jared woke up at five this morning very upset because he was cold.
  2. Jason later informed me that he also woke up at 4:45 while he was having his morning quiet time.  Guess his quiet time wasn't so quiet.  He called Jared to him and sang him back to sleep.  Sweet, patient Daddy.
  3. Jacob had his usual morning panic attack because he thought he was going to be late to school even though I told him repeatedly we had plenty of time.  That boy is such a worrier.
  4. Roxy got out of the yard today and had no intentions on coming back anytime soon.  I was infuriated.  When I say infuriated.  I mean infuriated!
  5. I took a nap today while Jared napped instead of doing the dishes.
  6. I just remembered I have a blanket in the washer that I forgot to put in the dryer.  Gah!
  7. It was pretty frigid today.  A crisp fifty nine degrees.  That's chilly for us Southern Californians.  I loved it.  I wasn't too happy when I heard on the news that it would be back in the nineties over the weekend.  Boo.
  8. We froze at practice tonight. 
  9. Jared cried tonight from eight to eight thirty five.  I have no idea why.  He had no reasoning.  So, I filled his request of a backrub for ten minutes and now he's out.  Hopefully for the night.
  10. Michael was just making fun of me for watching ELF this weekend with the boys because, "It's not Christmas, Auntie." But tonight he's watching Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  You better believe I gave him a hard time :)  I can't wait for Christmas! 

Monday, October 4, 2010


was a great day because...
  • Jared slept through the night last night.  Yay!
  • the weather was just awesome!  love Fall.
  • Jason was home with us today.  too bad it was with a bum back.  at least he was home though :)
  • i finished cleaning my bedroom today.  let's see how long it stays that way.  why does it seem that's the place where all the "stuff" gathers?  i hate that.  
  • Jakie was stoked that he got to buy lunch today for the first time this school year.  i wasn't so stoked that all he ate was a PB&J Uncrustables.  that boy just doesn't eat at school.  that bothers me.  A LOT.
  • i ate 3 meals today because Jason was home and he never lets me skip a meal.  As I usually do. 
  • Jared was in such a good mood today.  do i dare say everyone is over the fall sicknesses?  maybe tomorrow i'll be brave and let it slip out.
  • Michael put me through an insane ab workout tonight.  i think i did pretty awesome considering i had my stomach muscles sliced in half.  go me! 
  • i talked to my sister on the phone about 8 times today.
  • i am SO ready to crawl into bed.  in my CLEAN bedroom :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mom of the Year

I'm convinced that there will always be someone sick in this house.  And the second I think there's not, I know it will creep back in just as soon as I sigh that BIG sigh of relief.

Jared was up all night last night.  I can't count the amount of times he came into my room or the amount of times I walked him back to his room to tuck him in and said, "No more Jared, it's ni-night time.  Stay in your bed."  I haven't had a night of full sleep without him waking me up at least five times (in one night!) for a week straight.  I was out of patience and totally sleep deprived by last night.  Everytime he came in he told me he wanted to lay with me.  I repeatedly said no.  It's my pet peeve.  I want them in their own beds.  Not mine.  I've always been that way.  I'm mean, I know.  I don't need you to tell me that.  I tell myself enough.  But, if they're sick?  Totally different story.  It's like musical beds in this house when the littles are sick.

At 4:30a, just after I finally fell asleep Jason woke me up telling me Jared was burning up with a fever and he gave him medicine.  What?!  He's sick???  Again???  Just when I thought it was over.  And to think, I've been sending him back to his room repeatedly, all night.  Wow, I feel just great.  Don't everyone jump up at once to present me with the Mother of the Year Award. 

So, in my bed he came and off the couch Jason went.  I cuddled and loved and rubbed on Jared for the next hour or so until his meds kicked in and he was finally able to rest.  He slept straight through to 8:30 before he got up and I was so exhausted I didn't even feel him crawl out of bed.  Jason took on morning duty while I slept until 9:30!  Sleep I desperately needed.  Bless that sweet husband of mine for picking up the ball just as I drop it.  He's pretty great :)

Other than that, it was a typical Sunday in our home.  Football and resting with a little cleaning and organizing in my bedroomAhhhh, organizing.  That's like music to my ears. 

Hoping for a restful night. 

10 in 10 minutes

  1. Tonight was Michael's Homecoming Dance.
  2. Dad watched the boys this morning for a couple hours while we went shopping.  Bless him.
  3. I took an hour long nap today.  I really wanted to make it two hours though :)
  4. We went to a birthday party tonight for the cutest, sweetest 9 year old boy I know. 
  5. Jared was cranky for most of the day but ended it his happy usual self.
  6. Both boys fell asleep while reading books in bed.
  7. My stomach is turning right now thinking about what Michael could possibly be doing.  I'm way too young for this.
  8. Tomorrow football will be on our TV for most of the day.  Love my husband :)
  9. I'm having trouble staying awake right now.
  10. If Michael doesn't call or text me within the next ten minutes he's going to be sorry.

 Love this boy
 Because texting can never wait, Auntie.  Ha!