- We got to sleep in today! Good thing since Jared woke me up three times last night. I woke up this morning and he was on the floor next to my bed ♥ Guess he showed me who was boss.
- We took a trip to Petco to buy a crate for Miss Roxy. I've had it with her accidents in the house. So, it was either crate train her or put her outside! And, we didn't get this sweet girl just to throw her outside and forget about her.
We'reI'm determined to "fix her". - The boys of course loved this trip. Petco is like a little mini field trip to kids. I guess for adults too...Jason came to me while I was looking at doggie clothes and said, "I'm in love with the little dog over there." I said, "Don't worry Babe, I can fix that. NO WAY!" That man has such a HUGE heart. He's never been able to say "no" to a dog.
snakes and toads
the boys laid on just about every bed that was on the lowest shelf "trying them out". boys.
- Chipotle for lunch. Shocker, right? It's pretty much the only place we go when we eat out.
being their usual silly selves. they pretended they were swimming, karate guys, surfers, and even more that I probably didn't hear about. love it when their imaginations run wild.
- Roxy is so happy with her crate. As soon as we got home and took it out of the box she went right in at her first chance. Excellent. I was so worried that this was going to be a long process of getting her in and it was quite the opposite! Thank goodness :)
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