
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas. Part 1

Today, each of the boys got a present to open :) That's always fun!

We had already bought Jakie a bat and batting gloves for Christmas but Jason decided that he needed it before the big day because he has an upcoming tournament that he needed them for.  Ok, Daddy :)  So, we of course couldn't give Jacob a present without giving Michael and Jared one :)

As soon as Jared spotted the presents he was ready to dig in!  Jason asked him what the magic word was.  "Kweeeeeeee-kweeeee-kweeeeeeaaaaaattthhhhhe Dah-eeee???"  Yep, begging hands and all.

Michael was up first.  Thank goodness he's finally starting to feel better.  His antibiotics are finally kicking in and he's looking alive again.  He even started texting again this evening.  Hopefully tomorrow he'll be able to eat something. 

Next up was Jared.  This year will be totally different than last year, that's for sure!  He tore right into that box with no problem.

And, at last, Jacob :) The reason for all of this in the first place.  He so very badly wanted a new bat.  He was pleased, to say the least.

Michael got: A Mizuno Hoodie that he's been wanting for quite a while.
Jared got: A Toy Story 3 Foam Dart Gun that I managed to sneak in the shopping cart when he wasn't looking.
Jakie got: A Bat and Batting Gloves.

This post has taken me two hours to write.  Michael is watching Eagle Eye and I kept getting sucked in!

1 comment:

  1. Mellisa,

    How sweet! You did a great job and I enjoyed reading it all. I did not know Michael was living with you. I wish I had the knowledge and patience to make a page like this! We have 8 kids living here and what a blessing. I love it, although once in awhile you'll here me say I hate it!!!! OXOXOX Love ya!
