
Monday, March 1, 2010

Goodbye, financial stress. You WON'T be missed.

March 28, 2008 my husband was laid-off from his job.  After 8+ years of dedication and hard work, it was over.  Just like that.  He was no longer a Production Planning Manager.  He was now, unemployed.  I don't think either one of us had a clue on the tough road that was ahead.

We were sure, he'd be able to find another job in a snap.  He was dependable, honest, had a ton of experience, always gives everything his all, a darn hard worker, and never leaves the job until it's done.  In my eyes, any company would be lucky to have him.  But, the economy was saying otherwise.

Three months came and passed.  No biggie, we had money put away, we were sure something would come up before our savings account went dry.  Six months came and passed....then ONE YEAR.  Then ONE YEAR AND SIX MONTHS.  At this point, we were officially scared. 

Finally.  One year and ten months later.  A glimmer of hope.  A call for an interview.  --After his meeting was over he finds out he has to wait a whopping two weeks to find out if he's the lucky pick or not.  Seriously?  TWO WEEKS people?!  That seems like an eternity to someone who's been waiting for this for almost two years!  Good gravy!

Exactly one week later, they called back.  A very nice, soft spoken woman requesting my husband to return her phone call.  Off he goes.  Meanwhile, I'm sitting.  Waiting.  Feeling like any second I'm going to hurl all over our guests that we had over at the time.  Was it a no?  Was it a yes?  He got it.  I know he got it.  I feel it.  God has answered our prayers and this one is it!  Seemed like he was on the phone for 10 DAYS rather than 10 minutes while I patiently not-so-patiently waited.  Hubby walks out.  Oh no.  What's he gonna say?!  ...Wait a minute, before I go on I have a little FYI for my husband.  -I've known you for 10 years now.  I KNEW what you were going to say.  But, it was a nice try trying to trick me ;) ...Finally, he spoke.  "I got it."  The emotions that came over me were unreal.  At first, it was pure shock.  Then the tears came.  Tears that I have been holding in for almost 2 years.  Tears that I never let out because I didn't want to have a breakdown because I had to stay strong this whole time.  For my husband.  For my boys.  For my sanity.  The flood gates were open...and the tears kept on coming throughout the night at just the mere thought of being OK again.  God is good.  The power of prayer is real, and it works.

So, guess where the hubby is now?  He's at WORK.  Yes, work.  I don't think anyone can understand how strange that feels for me to be saying.  23 months to the day it has been since his last day of work.  Which means, he's been home.  Everyday.  For 23 months!  Things will be quite different around here with just the little dude and I home throughout the day.   But, I'm looking forward to it!  For the first time, I'm looking forward to change.

And now, looking back at this journey my little family and I have gone through, I'm grateful.  Grateful that our family helped us get through this.  Grateful for my Mom.  There's just something about a mothers words that can get you through anything.  --Grateful for the struggle.  Grateful for the lesson this struggle has taught me that I otherwise may never have learned.  I don't need "stuff".  I WANT stuff!  And clearly, I don't need it.  I have all I need.  A loving husband and two healthy boys.

It has been a really tough {almost} 2 years.  But together...we made it.