
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day thirty one.

-We spent New Year's Eve at home.  Just as we do every year.  I don't think that will ever change.  Too many crazies out there.
-We had a yummy, super-unhealthy-fattening dinner.  Perfect way to end 2010 :)

-This video of Jared was shot around 11:30 or so.  He was a jabber jaws that night.  I think he was worried he might fall asleep!  Crappy quality...the room was kinda dark and I had to zoom in. (sorry!)

-For the last few days during Christmas and the end of the year I found myself reflecting on 2009. By far, the roughest year our family will ever have. I hope. Jason had been unemployed for over a year and half. NEVER did we think it would've come even close to that long. But, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The lessons we learned during that time are priceless. Having not a penny in the bank or a drop in savings left, really teaches you what's important. We got through it, together. With the help of family, friends, and even complete strangers. So, on Day 31 of 2010, I'm thankful. Thankful for my home that's full of love and laughter. Thankful for the food in my refrigerator and pantry. Thankful for my husband being employed again. With a job he likes and people he enjoys working with.  I couldn't have asked for the year to end any better :)

A few pics...

 Jared putting the "Happy New Year Stars" on Michael
 He thought it was the FUNNIEST thing ever
 Such a good sport.  He'll do anything to make Jared happy.
 Most of our day looked pretty much like this.  Video games.  More video games.  And then even more video games.
♥ my hunny :)

-Happy New Year!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Days 26,27,28,29, and 30!

twenty six.

-Jacob, Jared and I headed up to Ma & Mio's house for the night.  We stopped at Starbuck's before we got on the freeway.  Yum.  The boys were quiet and content for the entire hour and a half drive!  About half way there Jared fell asleep and Jakie played his PSPgo.  Score!

-We relaxed for the rest of the afternoon/evening at Ma's.  We watched a couple of movies, the boys ran around like chickens with their heads cut off, we had Baker's for dinner, and I got to wrestle with the boys for almost an hour.  Talk about a workout.  Wrestling with boys is definitely a Daddy kind of thing.  Especially with Jared.  That boy shows no mercy! 

twenty seven.

-Got up, got ready, and headed to Target for a few things.  Well, what was supposed to be for a few things.  I had to go and grab a couple of things so I left the boys and the cart behind with Ma for five minutes.  I came back and the cart was full!  Why oh why did I leave my Mother alone in the toy section with my boys?  The instant she hears "Ooooooh that's cool!" or "Whath?!  Thath amazzzthing!" Her response is, "Well then get it!  Ma will buy it for you." 

-$400+ later, we left Target.  Geez-o! 

 Ma, Jared, Jacob

-And so, since Daddy and Michael were the lucky ones that got to stay home, guess who got to put together a Lego toy with pieces that were smaller than the size of a pea?!  You guessed it.  ME!  This stinkin' toy took me about an hour to put together.  I didn't want to let Jared play with it.  I wanted Ma to go back to Target and buy a case for it so it could be displayed in all it's glory.  Apparently I was the only one who thought that was a great idea.  Five minutes later, Jared had it tore apart.  "Mommy, look ah happen.  It broked again.  You fixth it Mommy?  Kweeeeeeeaaatttthhhe."  Surrrrrrre sweetcheeks.  It was a cinch to put together :)

twenty eight.

-Michael stayed the night at his friend Paul's house.  That's all I remember about that day.  That's what I get for not writing it down and lagging on blogging.

twenty nine.

-Paul came home with Michael and stayed the night.  There was a whole lot of XBOX playing going on till the wee-hours of the morning. 


-Spent the afternoon shopping with my Sister.  Oh how I needed the break away from home.  A houseful of boys on Christmas vacation was getting a bit overwhelming.  Along with non-stop XBOX play.  My nerves were a bit frazzled.  I needed the few hours away. 

-I met Sister a few miles away from the mall and then she followed behind me in her car.  Two miles down the freeway, she got pulled over by a CHP.  1/4 of a mile before our exit!  No bueno.  She got a ticket for dark tint on her front windows.  ...And I'll bet you're thinking, no she didn't take a picture of her sister getting a ticket?!  Um, hello, this is me we're talking about.  Of course I took a picture of that!  I won't tell you what she called me when I showed it to her though :)) Love you Sister! 

-We finally got to the mall.  Walked around for a few hours.  Guess what I walked out with?  A six pack of Cinnabons.  That's it.  Didn't find a darn thing for myself!  Never again will I go to that mall!  How do you walk into Macy's and walk out empty handed when you had intentions of not walking out empty handed?    I was not pleased.  Did I mention I'll never be going back to that mall again?  I should've known better.  Oh well, that just means another shopping trip is soon to follow :)