
Monday, September 20, 2010

L.A. County Fair

Saturday we went to the L.A. County Fair with Grandpa Darrell and Grandma Aracelli.  It was the first time for the boys and I.  Fun day with a whole lotta walking!  Quite a few pictures to share:

This was one of the first things the boys spotted within the first few minutes.  Jared didn't want to look at it.  He didn't want to take a picture with it.  He wanted to RIDE in it.  He demanded that I pick him up and put him in.  Not gonna happen Sweet Cheeks.  A picture with it will have to do.

 Mr. Boss doesn't need a stroller.  He can walk.  By himself.  Without holding anyone's hand.  What was I thinking?

 Penny pressing.  I'm wondering where those are right now.  Hmmm.

 dad, son, grandson #1 the horse track.  Jared and Jacob won $2 each!

 My heart :)

 One of the only pictures of me from this day.  Like it or not, I had to prove that I was there, somehow.  Thank you Jakie :)

 Chubs was bored between races.  Really bored.  He wanted the horses to stay out the whole time. 

 Feeding the goats was a highlight for both boys.  Jared thought it was the funniest thing when they bombarded him.

 Grandma Aracelli had just as much fun as the boys.

I was shocked at the amounts of food that these goats ate.  They acted as though they hadn't eaten in over a month.  Must be pretty tastey...

 We finished just in time to have our picture taken with these cool guys.

 That's Jared up there.  On stage.  Milking a goat.  With Grandpa D.  We all tried to force Jakie to raise his hand so he would be picked to be called up.  Not happening.  No way.  I wasn't surprised.  I wasn't disappointed.  It's the way he is.  Shy.  The Daddy wasn't pleased.  But Jared was cute as a button up there with his big 3-year-old-self!

 Left to Right: Grandma, Grandpa, Jared, Jason, Jacob

 One of us was scared of the dinosaurs.  We didn't understand that they were pretend robots :(

 BUT, we loved this little baby dino that was just our size :)

 Clearly, this boy wasn't scared.

 Finally, it was time for the "Quwaygwound" as Jared called it.  These boys were beaming the entire time we were there.  This, makes me happy.

 This was one of Jacob's favorite rides.  He loved it.  But, one of us didn't love it after the second time it went around.  By the time it was over, we were crying.  A lot.  The machine operator, didn't care.  At all.  I'm sure he'd seen a 3 year old crying 100x by the time Jared got off. 

 Spent.  We thought he was out for the count.  Until Daddy put him in his car seat and took his shoes off.  Then the flood gates opened.  "Daddy!  Don't take off my shoes!  Put 'em back on!  Daddy!  I want my shoes!" Total meltdown.  He knew the day at the Fair was over once those shoes came off and he wasn't happy about it.  I should've taken a picture.  But truthfully...I was spent by this time.  Ready for home.

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