
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10 on Tuesday

  1. Today is Tuesday.  Like yesterday was Monday, which I thought was Tuesday.  But today is the real Tuesday.
  2. Jared and I went to the bank after dropping off Jakie at school, then to Winco where my Visa Check Card was declined and then locked their registers.  I called the bank and my card was locked due to suspicion of fraud.  Perfect!  After a billion questions and verifying a gazillion transactions...It was confirmed.  Someone got my card number and went on an internet shopping spree last night.  Courtesy of the Adams Family.  So they thought.  My bank didn't let one single transaction go through.  Phew!  We left the grocery store with empty hands and Jared must have said, "Mommy, we forgot our food!  Go get it!" a hundred times while walking through the parking lot.
  3. We went on a trip back to the bank, ordered a new Visa Check Card and withdrew cash so we could head back to Winco to pay for our food.  All of this for $28.75 ...I hope you really needed that $40 you took from my wallet Jason :)
  4. Jared spent the entire afternoon/evening at Grandpa's house.  I should've taken a nap.  Instead, I did dishes and folded laundry.
  5. Sister picked up Jakie from school today :)
  6. The fire alarm went off at Jason's hotel today while he was in the elevator.  I know he was freaking out :) Luckily it was a false alarm.
  7. Jakie had practice today.  He rocked it.
  8. I got to actually watch Jakie the entire practice because Jared was with Grandpa.  What would I do without Pa's help this week?  Let's not think about that.
  9. Is it Friday yet?  I'm ready for my Honey to be back home :(
  10. Michael got his glasses today.  He hates the way he looks in them.  He wouldn't let me take a picture.  This is the best I could do.

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